Neck and arm pain – is it a disc injury?

Many people present with neck and arm pain and the most likely cause is due to disc damage at the bottom of the neck.  When a disc in the cervical spine ruptures, soft material from inside the disc can form a bulge that presses painfully against the spinal cord and nerve roots. Anatomy Spinal discs…

Cancer and Lifestyle – How to Age Well

In a recent publication, ageing was looked at extensively including the effect of lifestyle on medical conditions such as dementia, diabetes and even bone strength (osteoporosis) – but now it appears that what you do on a day to day basis can also protect you from a range of cancers by over 30%. In fact…

Inflammation and Arthritis – from the MD website.

What Is Inflammation? When you think of arthritis, you think of inflammation. Inflammation is a process in which the body’s white blood cells and chemicals help protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In some diseases, however, the body’s defense system (immune system) triggers an inflammatory response when there are…