Strong joints through all ages

No matter your age or daily activity level, it’s vital to take care of your joints for strength, mobility and flexibility. Joints are a part of your body that can cause serious pain and health issues if they’re not cared for.  Produced naturally in healthy joint tissue, glucosamine and collagen act as building blocks for healthy joint cartilage. Glucosamine helps to produce compounds that form the…

THE LIVER: how this plays a role in hormonal balancing

By Danielle Roberts Following the fantastic article on PMDD ( ) by the Hillcrest Spinal clinic I wanted support this with further information on how you can create greater hormonal balance to the body through giving nourishment to the liver. Many of you will understand that it has the major role of detoxification. However this…

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

We often hear and know that women have mood swings during their monthly menstrual cycle, however some may experience more serious symptoms in which case it becomes a condition called ‘Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder’ or PMDD.  In this case, women experience severe depression, irritability and excessive stress 4-5 days before their menstruation cycle.  The symptoms stop…